Monday, July 20, 2009

Summer Swim Lessons

Every summer I sign the kids up for swim lessons at Taylor Jr. High. This year Madison did diving and Liam continued in swim lessons. They both really enjoyed it and we are hoping that they are able to do it again next summer. For those of you don't know they want to close the pool at Taylor and so we might not be able to walk down to lessons next summer. Anyhow, it was a great way to stay cool in our extreme heat!

Madison improved on her diving and is learning how to do harder dives now.

Liam has decided that he loves swimming for exercise. We go to the pool all the time in the afternoons just to get cool and he tries to swim laps so that he can get stronger. I hope that he develops a desire to be a healthy and active kid, I try to set a good example. It is funny because he will try to flex his muscles and he is convinced that he is quite buff:).

Friday, June 26, 2009

Madison's 11th Birthday

Madison has officially turned 11!!! I can't believe that she is 11 and going into 6th grade. It seems that it is at this age that you really start to make memories. I can remember a lot from that age on, but not so much before that. Madison is such a confident, beautiful young girl. She had a great birthday and this year she asked for donuts instead of a cake. She has decided that she doesn't like cake anymore. So here she is blowing out her 11 candles on her birthday donut.

Having a summer birthday usually means that some of your friends are out of town. That is what has happened in the past years, but not this year. Madison had a grand total of 15 friends over for her birthday. I don't think I had half that many friends when I was her age. It is funny to see her and her friends grow up.

Happy Birthday Madison!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

This past Memorial Day Weekend my brother invited us up to his wife's family cabin. It was so nice. It was rainy and cool and I had to wear a jacket all the time. Of course, anybody that knows me knows that I get cold easily. I forgot to pack a jacket and so I had to borrow one. Thankfully I remembered to pack warm clothes for the kids.
Ella really loved the hammock. The kids liked to push each other in it.

I think that Ella looks older in this picture. I don't know what it is, but she just looks different.

Here I am with the kids roasting marshmallows. I have great memories of camping with my family and roasting marshmallows. I was suppose to be on a diet that weekend but I did a lot of cheating.

In Showlow there is this really nice park that has a lake in the middle of it and there is a paved path that goes all the way around. We all walked around the lake and the kids got to see some birds and even a snake.

Ella's 2nd Birthday

Ella is going to be a great mother some day. She doesn't give her baby bottles, she likes to nurse them:) Jamie finally remembered to take a picture of her doing it at her little birthday party.

We got a quick family photo. We got a new fancy camera that Jamie has been trying to figure out. So now we are getting lots of pictures of the kids.

I was really busy at the end of April so we wound up celebrating Ella's birthday late. I figured she didn't know the difference. Here she is with her very own cupcake. I can't believe it has been two years already. WOW, how time flies.

The Pianist

Madison has been taking piano for the last several years. She has really started to improve and still enjoys doing it. Her Aunt Kristen is her piano teacher and knows how to motivate Madison. She had her recital in May.

Madison is such a poser!! The child loves to have her picture taken.

Madison got to play a duet with Kristen. I was really proud of her.

My Baseball Player!

I am finally getting around to posting the pictures of Liam playing baseball. He had a rough start, but as the season went on he got much better at batting (now we just need to work on catching and paying attention). He really liked it and wants to play again next year. It was really great because he had two of his friends on his team and we were able to carpool.

I thought I did a good job catching this action shot.

He is getting so big. Liam is going into first grade, I can't believe it!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Spring time!

I am doing a new post aren't you proud of me. Now that it is spring time the kids are all busy with sports and Ella got invited to a spring party at her friend Ethan's house.

Madison up to bat at her fast pitch softball game. This is her first year playing softball and she seems to be enjoying it. She hasn't hit the ball at a game yet, she keeps getting walked. It is fun for me to see her enjoy sports. Liam is playing coach pitch baseball too, but I haven't remembered to bring the camera to his game yet. When I do I'll post pictures of him.

Here is Ella at her friend Ethan's spring party. They had a petting zoo and Ella took awhile to warm up to the animals. There were baby chicks and baby ducks. The animals were so cute.

They had baby bunnies and I was able to hold one so that Ella could pet it. I use to have a bunny when I was young so it was fun for me too.