Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Disneyland! Whoo Hoo!

The family decided to take a trip to Disneyland this past Memorial Day weekend! We had a lot of fun and Grandma was nice enough to tag-a-long and help with Ella (That is why Ella isn't in the picture, she's waiting with Grandma). Madison's favorite rides were Indiana Jones and Space Mountain. Liam was finally tall enough to go on Indiana Jones this year, but wound up not liking the ride. He was scared by all the skeleton bones. He liked Splash Mountain the best.
Madison and Liam were picked to go up and do Jedi training at Disneyland. When they were "training" them Liam looked totally confused and was always at least three steps behind where he was suppose to be. However, they both were able to battle and defeat Darth Mal. It was a lot of fun to watch them up there.

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